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Dror Sagi, PhD
PhD. Weizmann Institute of Science


Hometown: Rehovot, Israel


Research Interest: Extending the healthy part of life


Favorite Book: Nine Tomorrows, I. Asimov


Anti-Aging Strategy: Practicing Aikido


Favorite labmate:  Larry Bird


Non-science activity: basketball, science fiction, fantasy basketball (NBA)

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B.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics, at the Hebrew University


M.Sc. in Physics at the Hebrew University


Ph.D. in Physics at Weizmann Institute of Science.


Postdoctoral position at Stanford University with Stuart Kim


Postdoctoral position at Tel Aviv University with Oded Rechavi


Contact Information

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The lab is located at the

Agriculture Faculty Campus, Rehovot, Israel


Formal address:

Department of Aquaculture, Institute of Animal Science
Agricultural Research Organization

Rishon LeZion 7505101, Israel

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