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The lab combines experimental work with animals, wet lab work and theoretical work. To analyzed metabolomic profiling data we develop our own statistical methodologies, and use machine learning for predictions.

Our two main projects on diet and sleep: 
1) In commercial hens, there is an amazing protocol, which is called induced molting. It is a detailed protocol for transferring old hens, that show a significant decline in performance, from unlimited access to food to complete starvation and back to unlimited food access. This protocol was developed by farmers to recover egg production at old age. Our lab shows that this protocol systemically restores youthfulness, reduces stress, and improves the animals' health. This project is run by a Ph.D. student - Guy Levkovich 

2) We follow individual hens as they sleep, and study the role of night-eating on health and aging. Hens, like us, are day animals. So, the rationale behind the project is that night-eating disturbs the natural biological clock of the animals. The disturbance of the natural cycle of eating and fasting, and the duration of sleep may accelerate aging and reproductive aging. This project is in collaboration with the group of Ilan Halachmi from the agricultural engineering department. This project is run by Guy Levkovich and Dana Almagor

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Contact Information

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The lab is located at the

Agriculture Faculty Campus, Rehovot, Israel


Formal address:

Department of Aquaculture, Institute of Animal Science
Agricultural Research Organization

Rishon LeZion 7505101, Israel

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